Poll Everywhere
I first learned about this website during a professional development day last year. I thought it was a great idea because it allows our students of today to use the technology they know how to use, without separate instruction.
Try voting on this question and watch the choices change:
Another website that I discoverd this spring was Prezi. This website is also free, and I really like this one because it allows for a teacher to create a presentation unlike any power point presentation. Students get bored with this type of presentation, so it can help motivate the students for class discussions, or more. Look over this example that I created for my classroom:
Reflections on Loyola Educational Technology Internship & postings on Web 2.0 technologies
WELCOME to my first blog!
Welcome! I am glad to say that this is my first blog. You are welcome to comment on the various educational technologies that I will post information on in the next few weeks. There are links to the various technologies so that you can view samples of how each of the technologies work. Enjoy!
I hope that this will help me and you increase the use of technology in the classroom to enhance our students learning.