WELCOME to my first blog!

Welcome! I am glad to say that this is my first blog. You are welcome to comment on the various educational technologies that I will post information on in the next few weeks. There are links to the various technologies so that you can view samples of how each of the technologies work. Enjoy!

I hope that this will help me and you increase the use of technology in the classroom to enhance our students learning.

Monday, February 27, 2012

5th After-school session

After a lot of talk about the after-school sessions on D.I., I was going to hold my 5th session 2 Mondays ago, but I only had 1 reply when I asked if teachers were going to stay after on that day, so I rescheduled.

I rescheduled the work time for after school today. I had 3 teachers reply so I went through with it, but when I arrived, I had 5 teachers in the computer lab. Another teacher (6th grade math) was speaking out in the hallway on their way to plan with their co-teacher, and since they have not attended my work time session before, I told them that they can plan with me. Overall, I was able to have 8 teachers stay after school today. Five teachers were returning from at least 1 previous session. One of which has attended every session, and she openly admits that she needs a lot of support and help with anything related to technology.

I am so glad that they decided to plan with me because I was able to sit down with them for 15 minutes, their SMART Response class lists were imported from their gradebook and I demonstrated for them how the response system works with the SMART Notebook. The co-teaching team was very excited to be completely set up to use the SMART response system and planned to implement it this week. They planned to speak with the science teacher on their team to discuss ways that their students would be prepared to use the SMART response remotes in their math class.

I also had 2 corrective reading teachers, 1 spanish teacher, and another co-teaching team (7th grade science). The science co-teaching team was planning their formal lesson plan on a differentiated instruction lesson, utilizing the SMARTboard and an interactive website for kinesthetic learners. The corrective reading teachers were working on a tic-tac-toe game for each work book activity to help support each scripted lesson. The spanish teacher was creating an interactive SMART Notebook lesson on conjugating the verb tener, which I suggested she use hyperlinks to videos to demonstrate examples of how to conjugate the verb.

We have not had too many formal professional development sessions during school (we normally have them every Thursday during 1 planning period), but we have been trying to make sure that students are passing their classes and administering/ analyzing our MOCK MSA data. I have already been asked when the next after school session.

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