Although I find a blog to be very effective in collaborating and discovering new ideas from classmates, it is VERY time consuming at first. I find myself not bothering to look or post items on my blog until I remember to do so, which can sometimes be several days. I think that this is one of the downfalls if students attempt to use blogs. Students can be very forgetful and if students are not consistently thinking of their blog and posting academic information on it, they will lose focus on the purpose of the blog.
I do think that this blog has helped me to become much more organized in my thoughts and notes. I have organized each technology that I wish to post information on in order to ensure that I am completing my blog appropriately. I think this would work for a lot of students as well. I constantly run in to students that are so disorganized that it is the main reason why they fail or struggle in a class. Just because they cannot find a piece of paper, that they KNOW they completed, they lose the grade. Keeping a blog of their thoughts and notes on various topics in a class, can help disorganized students maintain organization and teach them those skills for life.
Reflections on Loyola Educational Technology Internship & postings on Web 2.0 technologies
WELCOME to my first blog!
Welcome! I am glad to say that this is my first blog. You are welcome to comment on the various educational technologies that I will post information on in the next few weeks. There are links to the various technologies so that you can view samples of how each of the technologies work. Enjoy!
I hope that this will help me and you increase the use of technology in the classroom to enhance our students learning.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
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